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The SEAL NATS server can use TLS semantics to encrypt client, route, and monitoring connections. To enable TLS encryption follow these steps:

  1. Open the %ProgramData%\SEAL Systems\config\nats.conf configuration file.

  2. Uncomment the following section:

    # # TLS configuration
    # tls: {
    #   cert_file: "./cert.pem"
    #   key_file: "./key.pem"
    # }
  3. Insert the paths to certificate and key files.

    Example - Securing with TLS

    # TLS configuration
    tls: {
        cert_file: "./my_cert.pem"
        key_file: "./my_key.pem"
  4. Save the file.

  5. In a PowerShell (Administrator), restart the service:

    Restart-Service seal-nats

Token Authentication

Client connections can also get secured by token authentication. To use this method follow these steps:

  1. Open the %ProgramData%\SEAL Systems\config\nats.conf configuration file.

  2. Uncomment the following section:

    # Secure connection with token
    authorization {
        token: "unsecure_token"
  3. Provide a secure token.

    Example - Authorization

    # Secure connection with token
    authorization {
        token: "G!(<TyIxhB.r^/yLYj;d)+c@g;!9vFn"
  4. Save the file.

  5. In a PowerShell (Administrator), restart the service:

    Restart-Service seal-nats

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