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The SEAL NATS installation package is preconfigured for single server installation. If you are running PLOSSYS 5 in a cluster, SEAL NATS needs to be installed on every PLOSSYS 5 server. The following instructions refer to a cluster containing three PLOSSYS 5 servers.

Configuring Cluster Server 1

Configuration for server 1

Perform the following configuration steps on <server_1>:

  1. Open the %ProgramData%\SEAL Systems\config\nats.conf configuration file.

  2. Edit the following line. Replace the placeholder hostname-of-this-server by the server name of the current server.

    server_name: hostname-of-this-server


    server_name: pegasus1
  3. Uncomment the following section to activate the preconfigured cluster settings.

    # This is for clustering multiple servers together.
    cluster {
        # It is recommended to set a cluster name
        name: "seal"
        # Route connections to be received on any interface on port 6222
        port: 6222
        # Routes are protected, so need to use them with --routes flag
        # e.g. --routes=nats-route://ruser:T0pS3cr3t@otherdockerhost:6222
        authorization {
            user: ruser
            password: T0pS3cr3t
            timeout: 2
  4. Edit the routes entry. Replace the hostname-of-cluster-server1 placeholder by the server name of the current (= first) server.

    # Routes are actively solicited and connected to from this server.
    routes = [

    Hint - Adding all NATS services to the list

    The NATS services are building a service mesh without a dedicated master. So one route entry pointing to the first (running) service is enough. To ensure that the system comes up again after a complete failure even if the one configured isn't coming up again, you can add all NATS services to the routes list, one line each.

  5. Save the file.

  6. In a PowerShell (Administrator), restart the service:

    Restart-Service seal-nats

Configuring Cluster Server 2 and 3

Configuration for the other servers

Perform the following configuration steps on <server_2> and <server_3>:

  1. Copy the %ProgramData%\SEAL Systems\config\nats.conf configuration file created for <server_1> to the current server.

  2. Replace the value of the server_name entry by the server name of the current server.

  3. In a PowerShell (Administrator), start the service:

    Start-Service seal-nats

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